I use this repo instead:

SigLevel = Never
Server = http://pureaur.bitbucket.org/$arch

It has prebuilt packages even for pd-l2ork!

2013/11/27 Charles Goyard <c...@fsck.fr>

> Salut,
> Patrice Colet wrote:
> >
> >  I've just installed archlinux through Manjaro and tried pdx aur package.
> Which one ? pdx gives nothing :).
> > pacman -U pd-extended.tar.gz command line outputs errors like this:
> >
> > error: missing package metadata in pd-extended.tar.gz
> did you build pd-extended with makepkg ?
> Fast track:
> * add archlinuxfr in your pacman.conf :
> [archlinuxfr]
> SigLevel = PackageOptional
> Server = http://repo.archlinux.fr/$arch
> * then install yaourt :
> pacman -S yaourt
> * then get pd-extended source from AUR, build and install :
> yaourt -S pd-extended
> Note: if you want, you can separatare the download and build parts.
> yaourt -G pd-extended
> cd pd-extended
> makepkg
> pacman -U pd-extended-version.tar.xz
> > What can I do to solve this?
> I think you're trying to install the source, not the built package.
> rtfm :)
> Enjoy archlinux !
> --
> Charles
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