I would checkout rjlib and the s_osc~ which has bandlimited oscillators ... no 
need to reinvent the wheel. rjlib is vanilla so it will work fine with libpd.

Also, if you want the analog sound, the creb/moog~ external is kosher for the 
App store. I have it in PdParty.

On Dec 20, 2013, at 5:27 PM, pd-list-requ...@iem.at wrote:

> From: Tony Hillerson <tony.hiller...@gmail.com>
> Subject: [PD] A naive approach to bandlimiting
> Date: December 20, 2013 at 5:26:59 PM EST
> To: pd-list@iem.at
> Hey guys,
> I’m building an iOS and Android app with an “analog" synth component. I’m 
> pretty inexperienced with the DSP world, and my math and theoretical 
> understanding of things is pretty rudimentary. Because I’m building a mobile 
> app, I feel like I need to build each of the components of the synth myself 
> instead, to avoid issues such as those with the App store and the GPL. 
> I’ve built the oscillator array, now and I have something I’d like to run by 
> this group. I understand enough of the problem of band limiting to know the 
> ill effect to the sound, and that there are a few different approaches people 
> take to solve it. I don’t quite understand enough of how these solutions 
> work, though to know if there’s “a solution” that I should use. After 
> thinking about the problem I tried the approach I lay out below, and I’d like 
> feedback. Is it a naive way of solving the problem? Does it introduce other 
> problems? Is it really inefficient? Here goes:
> I have nine tables, which I populate with a collection of geometric wave data 
> using sinesum. Each table has fewer harmonics than the last. Then I use an 
> array of [moses] objects to check the incoming MIDI note and call a "set 
> <tablename>" on a [tabosc4~] before each note is played.
> I choose a table with fewer harmonics as the note gets higher, and the 
> boundary is generally the B note in the next octave. So, to produce a 
> sawtooth wave, I have a wavetable with 714 partials for MIDI notes 24 and 
> below, 357 partials for MIDI 36 down to 25, 178 partials from MIDI 48 to 37, 
> and so on until between 128 and 109 I use a table with a single sine wave. 
> My naive understanding is that this approach is fairly efficient with CPU, 
> but not efficient with memory. I believe it will let me have nice fat low-end 
> notes, but should never have any aliasing as notes go higher in the register.
> Anyhow, I hope that was clear enough. What of this approach?
> -- 
> Tony Hillerson

Dan Wilcox

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