Better than changing the font size globaly would be to change the
font sizes in tcl/pdwindow.tcl to negative numbers, which has the same
effect but only locally (instead of nuking everything.  The particular one

    text .pdwindow.text -relief raised -bd 2 -font {-size 10} \
        -highlightthickness 0 -borderwidth 1 -relief flat \
        -yscrollcommand ".pdwindow.scroll set" -width 60 \
        -undo false -autoseparators false -maxundo 1 -takefocus 0

(change "size 10" to "size -10".)

Now I should think about whether to do that in the Pd source :)


On Fri, Jan 24, 2014 at 06:25:23PM -0500, Jonathan Wilkes wrote:
> On 01/24/2014 05:31 PM, Peter P. wrote:
> >Johnathan WIlkins wrote:
> >
> >>I'd be curious to know what window manager you are using.
> >>
> >>Try going into pd-gui.tcl and find the line:
> >># tk scaling 1
> >>
> >>Remove the "#", save the file, and then restart Pd.  See if that
> >>solves the problem.
> >>(Depending on how you are running Pd, you may need to have privileges
> >>to edit that file)
> >>-Jonathan
> >I am using fluxbox.
> >
> >Indeed, editing /usr/local/lib/pd/tcl/pd-gui.tcl to yield
> >     tk scaling 1
> >solved the problem for me.
> >
> >Interestingly there is a file /usr/local/bin/pd-gui.tcl present as
> >well, whose changes do not have an effet. This Pd is installed using
> >"make install" from within Miller's git sources. I wonder why
> >pd-gui.tcl is installed twice on my system, the latter one also being
> >in my $PATH.
> >
> >Thank you again for this quick one Jonathan.
> >
> >There is a comment related to tk scaling in this very file just above
> >the scaling option:
> >     # we are not using Tk scaling, so fix it to 1 on all platforms.  This
> >     # guarantees that patches will be pixel-exact on every platform
> >     # 2013.07.19 msp - trying without this to see what breaks - it's
> >     # having
> >     # deleterious effects on dialog window font sizes.
> >
> >Would be interesting to know wonder what the deletrious effects were.
> Tk has a very friendly but very small community without the
> resources to make sure everything works as advertised across all
> platforms.  So depending on which platform you use you'll see
> different symptoms, depending on how well tk is integrated with the
> guts of the window manager (in GNU/Linux, this would be "not at
> all"), the accuracy of the info delivered to Tk from the OS/window
> manager, implementation features/bugs in a particular graphics
> subsystem, etc.
> One detail is that if you let [tk scaling] do its thing, you'll see
> problems in the postscript output if you print a patch.  There's an
> ugly fix somewhere for this which requires hacking the ps output to
> scale it by the tk scaling factor.
> But if you hard code tk scaling to 1 users on Windows will see font
> problems from Tk's half-baked, hardly documented theming engine that
> would require _really_ ugly hacks all over Pd to fix.
> -Jonathan
> >But, hey- problem solved for me.
> >
> >thanks
> >cheers
> >P
> >
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