On 2014-02-02 11:37, Atte wrote:

Basic OSC confusion here: I'd like to run a server that keeps track of
time and shares that to a number of clients, each of which run on their
own, but with access to this common, global time.

However all the examples I found with [sendOSC] or [tcpsend] suggests
that the sender connects to *one* client, which isn't what I want. I'd
rather like to have the server broadcast to any number of clients that
can pick up this information if they like.

Have I got OSC all wrong? How to best achieve what I need?

It's not really OSC, more the transport layer. With [udpsend] you can broadcast or send to a multicast address
Multicasting may be more efficient as it only sends to clients that connected to the multicast address. Broadcasts go to every machine on the subnet. Multicasting is usually more of a pain to get working.


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