Hi Santiago -

Pd uses Portaudio to talk to CoreAudio.  It loks like there's no reason one
couldn't fix the code to offer multiple devices (although it still wouldn't
work for Portaudio/ASIO because ASIO apparently doesn't permit it).

One reason I haven't done that is that Soundflower (if I understand correctly)
does a decent job of it, probably better than I would be able to do, so
I don't see an urgent need.  (Also, allowing multiple devices complicates
the code and can easily introduce problems; I've spent a lot of time fiddling
with multiple-device support in ALSA and MMIO and have come to feel that it's
an endless time sink.)


2002 when multiple devices weren't allowed (as far as I know).  Since

On Sun, Feb 16, 2014 at 07:57:01PM +0100, Santiago J. Barro Torres wrote:
> Hello everybody,
> My name is Santiago, and I am an embedded software engineer. I have been
> playing around Pure Data for some time, and now I would like to further
> develop my skills on Music Design // Music Programming.
> I am working with three versions of pd: Windows, Linux and Mac OSX.
> Currently, I am having a look at how to use several [adc~] and [dac~]
> (several input/output devices). In particularly I am doing some experiments
> using several external USB/FireWire sound cards.
> So my question is if somebody knows if this feature (using multiple
> devices) is available on Mac OSX. I have been configuring it on a Windows
> machine (under Media > Audio Settings > Use Multiple Devices), where I can
> select i.e. three input devices and two output devices. This button (Use
> Multiple Devices) doesn't seem to appear in the Mac OSX version of Pure
> Data, despite of several input/output devices being available!
> I have found some old threads dealing with this topic, but it doesn't seem
> to be a clear answer. Why is this option available in Windows and not in
> Mac OSX?
> I have done some research by myself and get this thing working, but without
> luck. If somebody here comes up with a good answer, I will be very
> grateful. So I thank you all for your time.
> Software Versions: I am using an "old" Intel Mac OS X 10.6.8 32-bit, and
> tried with pd vanilla (0.45.4, last version) and pd-extended (0.43.4, last
> version).

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