On Sun, 2014-02-23 at 04:20 +0100, Ingo wrote:
> Starting from Roman's patch I would probably do it like the attached patch.

Many ways might solve a certain problem and in Pd those many ways can
often be divided into a "subtractive" approach - more than necessary is
generated and the overhead is filtered out afterwards - and an
"additive" approach - exactly the data needed is generated.

I believe you totally missed the point why I chose the latter here.
Using a constant time grain for [line] generates too much data for slow
ramps, leading to many duplicates. Attach a print to our patch and
you'll see. At the same time it misses some integer numbers for fast
ramps. Also, by having a fixed time grain the result looks like a
resampled ramp (which it basically is), which means it is jittery and
doesn't emulate a steady movement of the fader. 


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