On 03/03/2014 01:32 PM, Pierre Massat wrote:
I've looked seriously at data structures for the first time, and saw what Chris McCormick did with them, and I believe this is the way to go !

But you can't get notifications for mouseover or right-click events. You also cannot get transparency or control the z-order among multiple scalars. Nor scale or zoom without creating another complex and slow wrapper on top of data structures.

Don't get me wrong-- you can do interesting things with scalars, and you can build a wave-editor that looks quite advanced compared to what a GUI in Pd typically looks like. But you cannot get anything that looks remotely like a modern or even decade-old commercial wave-editor.

So I'd rather the documentation didn't send people searching around the corners of the software for features that don't exist.




2014-03-03 8:44 GMT+01:00 Billy Stiltner <billy.stilt...@gmail.com <mailto:billy.stilt...@gmail.com>>:

    seems like there was something about the way i made the wave
    editor that worked,i  never tried overflowing the the things and
    my method is a hack of the pd file @xensynth and the lfo editor,
    otherwise holler at Mike Booth ala mmb.


    On Mon, Mar 3, 2014 at 2:34 AM, Pierre Massat <pimas...@gmail.com
    <mailto:pimas...@gmail.com>> wrote:

        Hi Jonathan,

        I found it following this path : help for [tabwrite] -->
        More_Info --> all_about_arrays --> Common uses for arrays in Pd
        Bummer, I thought somebody would come up with a secret table
        manipulation technique that would make this statement true...



        2014-03-02 19:33 GMT+01:00 Jonathan Wilkes <jancs...@yahoo.com

            From that help patch:
            #X text 12 115 HELP_PATCH_AUTHORS Updated for Pd 0.38-2.
            Jonathan Wilkes
            revised the patch to conform to the PDDP template for Pd
            version 0.42.

            I did the refactoring of that patch, but I'm not sure who
            wrote what you're quoting.

            I'd say that statement is false and should be removed.


            On Sunday, March 2, 2014 10:47 AM, Pierre Massat
            <pimas...@gmail.com <mailto:pimas...@gmail.com>> wrote:
            Dear list,

            I am working on a small patch which stores simple events
            in a table to trigger sounds later on.
            I would like to be able to edit the content of my table
            easily, which requires scrolling it, zooming in, and
            eventually editing the content.

            I have found away of scrolling the content, but it is very
            slow with relatively big tables (hem, even with a table
            with 20 000 samples...). Please see the example attached.

            I have 2 questions :
            1) Is there a more efficient way of doing this ? Copying
            only part of the content is worse (i've tried).
            2) Can I prevent the content of the table from spilling
            over the table to right of the left ? I get the same
            behaviour in a GOP, and putting a canvas next to the table
            to cover it doesn't work because the table content gets
            redrawn on top of it.

            This leads me to a more general question about something
            i've found in the help :
            "5 Wave editing: with proper manipulation of array data,
            Pd can be fully functional wave editor, complete with
            mouse-clickable cut-n-paste, pitch-shift, time expansion,
            down/upsampling, and other tools typically found in
            commercial wave editors."
            This has always sounded very appealing to me, but i wonder
            how realistic this statement is... unless i'm ignoring 80
            % of what can be done with tables in Pd.



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