On Son, 2014-03-09 at 22:52 +1100, Simon Wise wrote:
> On 09/03/14 02:58, Jonghyun Kim wrote:
> > For OSC connection, you can also [netsend] with tcp, [netsend -u] with udp
> >
> > My experience was [netsend] is a little better than others.
> Ok ... for me [packOSC] didn't work with [netsend], I didn't investigate why 
> but 
> just used [udpsend] instead.

[netsend] is different from [udpsend] and [tcpsend] in that it sends
incoming Pd (list/any) messages as FUDI. The latter two expect lists of
bytes (list of numbers between 0 and 255). [packOSC] outputs OSC packets
represented as lists of bytes and thus is designed to transported by
either [udpsend] or [tcpsend], but not [netsend].


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