Or better yet, without changing any files at all - invoke Pd with the
full pathname, ../src/pd (or even ../src/pd!) instead of ./pd and I
think all the filename bashing will work.


On Thu, Aug 07, 2014 at 12:14:16PM +0200, IOhannes m zmoelnig wrote:
> Hash: SHA256
> thanks for the detailed description.
> On 2014-08-07 00:24, Jonathan Wilkes via Pd-list wrote:
> > 4) ./src/pd
> > 
> > Oops... Error in startup script: couldn't read file 
> > "/home/pd-0.45-5/src/tcl//pd-gui.tcl": no such file or directory
> this would be trivial to fix in Pd.
> i haven't done this because i considered the problem an edge case (the
> idea being, that we shouldn't add too much cruft to the source base to
> cater for the needs of very few people, esp. as there are simple
> workarounds).
> my usual workaround for this is:
> $ cd src
> $ ln -s ../tcl .
> > 
> > Which-- as I already stated in an old thread-- requires me to do
> > this from the main pd directory: cp src/pd .
> > 
> > Then run ./pd
> > 
> > Now it runs.  Great!
> > 
> [...]
> > So I don't get an updated binary in the src/ directory with "make",
> > and I do get an updated binary when doing "make && make clean".
> > 
> actually no, the last part is not quite correct (though the effect is
> the same).
> it seems that all the problems come from compiling Pd with the
> included "portaudio", which enables a number of hacks to properly load
> the included library (rather than one provided by the system).
> this boils down to ./src/pd *not* being a binary at all, but instead
> being a wrapper script, that launches the actual binary that is hidden
> in ./src/.libs.
> now when you copy the script ./src/pd to ./ and call it, it will
> - - try to launch ./.libs/pd
> and if that fails it will
> - - (magically) find the correct binary in ./src/.libs/ and create a
> local copy in ./.libs/; and then launch it.
> now when you do your changes to clip_float() and recompile, that
> binary in ./src/.libs/ gets updated nicely, but when you call ./pd it
> will still use it's outdated copy of the binary.
> when running "make clean" the ./.libs/ folder (containing the outdated
> copy) is deleted and later re-popuplated with the now-current binary.
> i understand that this is a quite convoluted process, and that not
> everyone wants to pile up the knowledge to understand and debug this
> (and probably not even read my above explanation).
> i can offer 3 possible "solutions":
> - - disable "portaudio" when building Pd. this basically disables the
> wrapper-script trickery and gives you a "src/pd" *binary* that can be
> run without any hacks.
> obviously this is not very practical if you *want* portaudio.
> - - use symlinks from ./src/tcl to ./tcl, and call ./src/pd;
>  (rather than copying ./src/pd to ./ and then call ./pd)
> add this information to the documentation
> - - add code to Pd that searches for the tcl-files in the correct place,
> even when called from the wrapper script.
> gfsd
> IOhannes
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