Hi list,
     I've got a nice collection of new drawing commands in Pd-l2ork for drawing 
scalars that are (mostly) based on the svg spec from HTML5.  Currently they are 
named [draw $shape], where $shape can be an svg shape, path, or also some 
higher-level convenience command like a sprite.  (There is also [group] for svg 
groups, which should probably be [draw group].)  Arguments set the initial 
coordinate data, like [draw line 0 0 40 40], but coords and attributes like 
color/opacity/transform can also be set and/or changed by sending messages to 
the object.

What do people think of this kind of two word naming scheme, as compared to Pd 
Vanilla's where the name of the shape is in the selector like [drawcurve] or 
[drawpolygon]?  I don't usually like the two word naming scheme, like the 
[list] objects.  But in this case, the object interface is the same no matter 
what shape is chosen.  (Nearly because [draw sprite] has a method for setting 
the index.)  So everything really is one class called "draw", and the shape-- 
though it cannot be changed after instantiation-- is data that determines how 
to interpret the rest of the args plus any attributes set by sending messages.

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