Quoting Ronni Montoya <ronni.mont...@gmail.com>:

Do anybody have experienced this effect?
Do anybody have an idea how to recreate this effect in pd?

the joys of naive glitch :-)
most likely the "glitch effect" is simply your computer running out of CPU-cycles and thus creating artefacts. if your new computer has more CPU-cycles to give away, then it will not run out of them as soon, thus not producing those artefacts. those artefacts will change, whenver you change something on your system (change *some* hardware; change *some* software; move the computer; play at full moon)

so simon's suggestion is probably the best you can do.

if the CPU-load is the only factor governing the glitches, you could also get a *similar* effect, by keeping your CPUs busy for "just the right amount".

i've once written a [cpueater] abstraction (should be available somewhere on the web), that would burn idle cycles up to a given percentage. you might have luck with it (but most likely not).


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