Hi Ed,When you move the mouse on a canvas...1) A tk mouse motion event calls a 
proc (I can't remember the rate at which they are sent, but run Pd with -d 3 
and watch how many motion messages are sent over the socket as you mouse around)
2) The proc sends a message "[canvas you're mousing around in] motion blah blah 
blah" to the Pd process
3) Pd forwards the message to the canvas you're mousing around on, by calling 
the "motion" method
4) canvas_motion leads to canvas_doclick, which leads to this:for (y = 
x->gl_list; y; y = y->g_next)
So for each motion message, Pd searches through a linked list of objects on the 
canvas either until it finds one under the mouse or it runs out of objects.  If 
you only have a [bng] and a subpatch on the canvas, it probably is 
insignificant-- it's just comparing two saved bbox coordinates to the mouse 
position.  If you have your entire monster patch on a single canvas, just 
following all those pointers in the linked list is probably taking its toll on 
Pd's ability to compute a block of audio on schedule.

     On Wednesday, January 7, 2015 12:21 PM, Ed Kelly <morph_2...@yahoo.co.uk> 

 On Wednesday, 7 January 2015, 11:55, Ed Kelly <morph_2...@yahoo.co.uk> wrote:


 What about this...
When I am editing a huge patch like the Ninja Jamm patch, where everything is 
on the same level (i.e. as few sub-patches as possible) moving the mouse over 
the patch causes a CPU spike, regardless of whether I change, move or connect 
anything or not.
Could this be changed? I don't know all the guts of Pd, but if you could just 
move around the mouse pointer withouthaving to wait for 20 seconds or so before 
you can do anything, it would save a lot of time.

I think I heard once that any change to the patch means that Pd has to re-draw 
the entire graph. IMHO surely moving the mouse should not require this? I wait 
to be corrected! xEd

Ninja Jamm - a revolutionary new music remix app from Ninja Tune and Seeper, 
for iPhone and iPad

Gemnotes-0.2: Live music notation for Pure Data, now with dynamics!
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