Thanks Julian !

> Yes you can 'apt-get', that vanilla's well fresh.
> You want puredata-core, that's fine.
> Pretty sure all the iem stuff is in the repo's.
$ sudo apt-get install pd-iemlib
(as I remember reading somewhere) doesn't work for me
I downloaded it from sourceforge and tried to build it from source
but many objects do not work, like [any] or [prepend]

> You've already built Pd from source, good work, couple of externals should
> be no problem:)

yes, but I'm a bit confused.
the pd i built from source is in /usr/local/lib/pd
and when i "apt-get install puredata-extra" to get [sigmund~], in fact it
installed it in /usr/lib/puredata
took me a couple of hours to find that...

> Finding out what objects come from which library can be a pain.
> There's a webpage I just spotted that might be helpful
yes, thanks, the list of pd objects and which library they're from does
help a lot !
that also makes clear that naming isn't always clear :
"was I using using [avg~] from zexy or cyclone ? Ah yes, the first one
doesn't want a bang so i used cyclone's [avg~] "

I'll continue my journey into linux-happy-shell-addict-world...

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