On 07/01/2015 06:42 AM, Pierre Guillot wrote:
> I'd be careful exposing the tk canvas api from within Pd.  It's a buggy
> interface, as evidenced
> by the off-by-one errors in the data-structure illustrations of Miller's
> book.

Hi Jonathan,

What do you mean by "exposing the tk canvas api" ? Is it about how I create GUI or about a specific object ? I made a lot of tests on Windows, Mac and Linux and it seems pretty stable. The fact is that I don't draw directly in the pd's canvas for many many reasons.

It looks like you have methods for some kind of 2d drawing surface. If those methods rely on Tk canvas subcommands to do the drawing (e.g., 'rect', 'polyline', etc.) then the user will encounter the kinds of bugs I mentioned.

You should have a look at the CICM wrapper.




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