Yes, I've found some bugs in some of my older externals that I'm still
using. For the past couple of years I've just been using cludges to fix
those problems, but if I'm going to redo these things, I might as well get
rid of the cludges.

I have just copied externals to and from extended, one in particular is the
csound external. It is only distributed in compiled format and delivered
with the csound distribution. You can copy it either to the pd extern
directory, or wherever you have your path set up.


On Sunday, September 13, 2015, Joel Matthys <> wrote:

> Do you have a particular reason you need to recompile with the externals
> bundled in the app? Virtually all of the externals that work with extended
> will work as-is with Vanilla, so you can just make a pd-externals folder in
> your home directory and copy the .pd_darwin files you need there from your
> Pd-extended app, then download and open Vanilla (
> and put the externals folder on your
> search path (in preferences).
> Joel
> On 09/12/2015 07:19 PM, Mike McGonagle wrote:
> I've recently learned that Pd extended is pretty much no longer being
> "extended", and as such, I'd like to learn how to compile Pd Vanilla along
> with the few externals I need. I'm currently using Mac OS X 10.6.8 and have
> tried using the standard "autogen/configure/make", but it seems to stop
> when trying to link things up. I noticed that the makefile is set up to
> target 10.8 by the autogen, what can I do to change it for my system?
> Any suggestions for learning this would be greatly appreciated.
> Mike
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