Apologies for x-posting,

Following over dozen minor releases, yesterday pd-l2ork team has unveiled our latest major release, version 20150917. Release highlights include:

Release highlights:

*Expanded K12 module
*Pd-L2Ork can now coexist with other releases without any package conflicts
*Drawing optimizations
*New convenience functions, like comments with endlines and labels with spaces *Comprehensive Raspberry PI GPIO with PWM and I2S/MCP3008 (for analog ins) support *New version of L2Ork-centric libcwiid library fork offering support for all versions of Nintendo-branded wiimotes, including the new MotionPlus Inside, as well as the support for interleaved passthrough mode (e.g. MotionPlus + Nunchuk)
*Code refactoring
*Bunch of minor and aesthetic fixes
*Last release (barring any major bugs) prior to the next major release featuring node-webkit GUI (node-webkit version is currently in alpha stage of development)

For a changelog and a more detailed overview, please visit:

To download pd-l2ork:

NB: Currently only Ubuntu 14.04 64bit build is available, with 32bit and Raspberry Pi builds forthcoming.

About Pd-L2Ork
Pd-L2Ork is a fork of the ubiquitous Pure-Data focusing on improved user interface, expanded collection of externals, and an advanced SVG-enabled graphical front-end. Originally it was introduced as the core infrastructure for the Linux Laptop Orchestra (L2Ork http://l2ork.icat.vt.edu), and has since expanded to include K-12 learning module with a unique learning environment offering adaptable granularity that has been utilized in over dozen maker workshops and initiatives, including the Raspberry Pi Orchestra program for middle school children introduced in the summer 2014. Today, pd-l2ork is being developed by a growing number of international collaborators and contributors.

For additional info L2Ork and pd-l2ork:

More about the founding author:


Ivica Ico Bukvic, D.M.A.
Associate Professor
Computer Music
ICAT Senior Fellow
Director -- DISIS, L2Ork
Virginia Tech
School of Performing Arts – 0141
Blacksburg, VA 24061
(540) 231-6139

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