I'm pretty sure that the [tab*] objects just point into existing arrays
rather than copying them. Each time [tabread] receives a float, for
instance, it checks to see if the array it has been set to read from
exists, and if so, updates a pointer to the indicated index of the array,
and grabs the float stored there.

On Sun, Sep 20, 2015 at 6:22 PM, oscar pablo di liscia <odilis...@gmail.com>

> Hi list.
> I have a question on allocating data and reading it through an external.
> As I have seen so far, the externals that reads arrays, as tabread,
> allocate
> the data in their own memory space. As far as I can understand, this result
> in a "double allocation" of the data. One in the array itself and the
> other one in the
> internal memory space of the instance of the tabread external.
> The point is that I would like to use an array to hold in memory a
> considerable
> amount of data and to make it available to an arbitrary "reader" objects
> without the need of allocating the data again in each one of the readers.
> Is it possible to write an external that that reads data from an array "on
> the fly"
> without the need of allocating the data in its own memory space?
> Any help will be most appreciate.
> Oscar Pablo Di Liscia
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