> > an example of an object that uses it? where exactly is this function?
> Scope~ itself uses sic_setup (for the leftmost inlet).
> -Jonathan 


So I gave using class_domainsignalin() and class_addfloat() a shot in
the setup of both main and proxy classes in my test external which is what
sic_setup() is doing for audio rate objects with separate float methods and it
does work for the main inlet (which was never an issue) but produces the
same results as before for the proxy inlet. Maybe I'm not using the
proxy class correctly? And sic_inlet is just a wrapper around
inlet_new() and sets a default value of the signal via pd_float() so
that's no help to me either.

Basically what connects the proxy inlet to the main class from what i've
found here:
http://puredata.info/Members/mjmogo/proxy-example-for-pd.zip/view is
that the proxy class is declared as a member in the main class's struct
(t_proxy pxy for example) and serves as the dest for a new inlet
declared in the main class's new method through:

inlet_new(&x -> x_obj, &x -> pxy.l_pd, 0, 0);

which creates a control inlet but all of the proxy's class's methods are
accessible (besides dsp methods since it's a control inlet, I've
tried...) or this other way I've tried:

inlet_new(&x -> x_obj, &x -> pxy.l_pd, &s_signal, &s_signal);
inlet_new(&x -> x_obj, &x -> pxy.l_pd, &s_signal, 0);

both of which create an audio inlet and none of the proxy class's
methods are accessible (including the class_domainsignalin() and
class_addfloat() methods declared in the proxy class) but you can get
the signal value going into the second inlet from the main class's perform 

The other things that sic_setup does is if passed SIC_NOMAINSIGNALIN,
just make's a float inlet and if passed no float function, makes just a
regular signal inlet that interprets floats as signals via

I'll do more digging...

Derek Kwan

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