Le 19/10/2016 à 10:30, Roman Haefeli a écrit :
Hey all

When doing calculations on a large set of numbers, it's for obvious
reasons much faster to do with tilde objects than doing it in message
domain with some until loop. Doing calculations on an array with dsp
objects has the disadvantage that they're tied to sampling rate and
cannot be done instantaneously. So I'm asking myself if there is a way
to eat my cake and have it, too, i. e. exploit the efficiency of tilde
classes while retaining control of execution time.

I know about the trick of up-sampling a subpatch so that you get
_faster_ results, but it doesn't enable you to get the results in 0
logical time.

Is "0 logical time" and "good efficiency" at the same time possible

you almost found the solution.

you need to use the bang feature of the block~ object to compute one (huge) 
block in 0 logical time.


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