every once in a thousand emails I hit a magic shortcut I never know of and
send an incomplete email out...


I never guaranteed any structure, and I can say now that it was quite a
bluff that I could pull something off, as I had never done that... and...
well... these days, if we were to do it here, it'd be a lot more modest...

And anyway, we had a pretty nice technical structure, but also no spatial
system whatsoever...

what I', trying to say is that you shouldn't worry much about being fancy
and meeting any standard requirements. Well, let me refer to some of your

2016-11-23 16:05 GMT-02:00 Alexandre Torres Porres <por...@gmail.com>:

> 2016-11-23 9:14 GMT-02:00 Alexandros Drymonitis <adr...@gmail.com>:
>> I asked a friend and colleague who works at the American College of
>> Greece in Athens whether it would be possible to host the next Pd
>> Convention there. He is very positive about this, without this meaning it's
>> certain.
sounds like a great start :)

> What I would like to ask is when do you guys think it would be best to
>> organize this? 2017 or 2018?
I guess anything earlier than 5 years (2021) is a progress :D we never had
two years in a row, but sure i'd personally love to see PdCons every year.
But looks like 2018 is more like it...

the college can provide the necessary infrastructure
yeah, that all sounds great

> Some other stuff (like concerts) can happen in various places in Athens
>> (...) anything else will probably happen in the center.
>> I know that PdCon16~ was a bit scattered around NYC, and Athens is much
>> smaller than that, but transportation is not the best.
Well, herd in São Paulo it was all over the place and transportation is
definitely worse than in NY

What helps a lot with these kind of things is a good organization, that you
guys provides us all the best information on how to get around, also
specially made maps with detailed transportation info, etc... just work out
good logistics with enough time in schedule to get around.

I can say we did offer a good structure, but I can also say that the
hardest part and what's more important is to offer a well organized event.

I can add more thoughts as this thread progresses ;)

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