>Because nw.js uses Chromium's "content shell" to display a DOM window inside >inside a graphical window. Other stuff like tabs/extensions/etc. aren't part >of this toolkit.
But why I got it to work? I think there's something strange with locality, I also couldn`t save things with devtools. Mensaje telepatico asistido por maquinas. ________________________________ From: Jonathan Wilkes <jancs...@yahoo.com> Sent: Tuesday, January 31, 2017 5:22 AM To: Lucas Cordiviola; Alexandre Torres Porres; pd-list@lists.iem.at Subject: Re: [PD] Purr Data rc4 > I dont know if this is related with what was happening in the messages below > this one. > It does. > <iframe> becomes fully operational if: > 1- load iframe in new "pd_canvas.html ", > 2- load a local html in that window with: > window.open("D:/purr-data-clean/win32_inno/build/doc/1.manual/x3.htm","_self") > 3- Then back to "pd_canvas.html " with: > window.open("D:/purr-data-clean/win32_inno/build/bin/pd_canvas.html","_self"); > Not only is working correctly, also if a link has to go to a new tab, it > opens a new window. > What do you suspect is that trouble? Because nw.js uses Chromium's "content shell" to display a DOM window inside inside a graphical window. Other stuff like tabs/extensions/etc. aren't part of this toolkit. -Jonathan
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