On 2017-02-16 15:18, Roman Haefeli wrote:
> Whenever you click the message box, you see the canvas of [pd foo]
> moving a bit, depending on how "wrong" your values are. 0 0 is
> certainly wrong for everyone.

since this came up on my radar and i was pointed at
http://wiki.tcl.tk/11502, i took the liberty to (hopefully) fix the
issue with the moving [vis 0, vis 1( windows.


this fixes the ::windowframe values on X11 by calculating the *actual*
values on the fly.
afaik this is only a problem on X11, so the fix is only enabled there.

please test.
the basic test is just what roman mentioned in the last mail:

> Create a subpatch [pd foo] in a new patch window. Then create this:
> [vis 0, vis 1(
> |
> [s pd-foo]

if the subpatch window stays at the same position when repeatedly
clicking the vis-msgbox, then the problem is fixed.


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