On 2017-07-30 08:39, Christof Ressi wrote:

> With pd-0.47 this is a simple guide how to install GEM on Windows:
> 1) create C:/Users/You/AppData/Roaming/Pd (the user specific standard path on 
> Windows) if it doesn't exist yet.
> 2) open Pd -> find externals -> search for 'gem' -> download
> 3) create a new patch and create [declare -stdlib gem -stdpath gem]. the gem 
> library is now loaded and gem abstractions can be found in this patch all 
> subpatches. 
> for OSX and Linux it's the same except for the user specific standard path 
> (see Alex' HOWTO).
> if you don't want to create a [declare] all the time, you can add "gem" to 
> "Startup..." and the Gem folder path to "Path..."
> once the folder is created, installing another library (which is not a single 
> binary pack) is as simple as:
> 1) search and install from deken
> 2) [declare -stdpath libname] or add the folder path to "Path..." (the latter 
> needs a restart of Pd).
> How is that complicated?

On OSX it's actually unfortunately like this - BEFORE step 1, before you
can create the directory ~/Library/Pd: 

If you're running Lion or Mavericks, open a terminal and type this
/usr/bin/chflags nohidden ~/Library 
(you may have to do this again after apple does a system update) 

If you're running El Capitan or Yosemite, follow these instructions to
unhide ~/Library 

If you're running Sierra, follow these instructions to unhide ~/Library 

Again - we just need a standard path for externals that the OS considers
to be userspace to resolve this. 

Like ~/Documents/Pd 

I'm not asking that it be auto-created (although I would personally like
that too). I'm just asking that it be added to Pd's search path.
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