Hi, it is documented, but I don't remember where. Just for arrays, afaik.
Also you can write values directly into drawtext fields, etc.

Playing around with data-structures today, I discovered some unexpected features. It seems that the Control and Shift >keys change the behavior of how the mouse interacts with data structure arrays. I'm not sure I fully understand it yet, but >from what I can work out:

1. Holding down the Shift key and clicking on a point moves that point and every further point on the same array. 2. Holding down the Control key and clicking on a point creates a new point in that array.

For an example, go to 4.data.structures --> 11.array.controls.pd. Try clicking on the red data structure at the top of the >"data11" sub-window with the Control and Shift keys pressed.

Is this behavior documented anywhere? I'd like to get a better handle on it, as it might prove useful.
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