Hello list,

I was looking on the best way to display some texts which will be produced/improvised in realtime. These will be acessible either as a list, OSC, or on a file.

I tried gem's 2dtext and [flatgui/entry], but they both don't work that well, as some or all of the following aren't possible:
- centered text
- some texts are long, so the paragraphs have to break at the end of a word
- black background, white font - font and size will be chosen later
- fullscreen on a 2nd screen (to be projected)

I imagine the word sliptting and text centering can be calculated in Pd so that Gem displays it correctly, but I'm not sure I'll have the time for it. So trying another solution such as coordinating with Processing or similar would be an option, in case it's easier to implement.

Are there any suggestions on how to tackle this?



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