we are proud to announce a major overhaul of the deken fileformat.

TL;DR to download new deken packages, you will need at least version
v0.3.0 of the deken-plugin (Pd-0.48-1 includes deken-v0.2.4).
When searching externals with an old (incompatible) version of the
plugin, you will always find a suggestion to install the new plugin with
something like:

> deken-plugin/0.3.0
>  (Deken externals downloader - REQUIRED FOR NEW PACKAGES)

once you have installed the new version (and/or Pd includes a compatible
version), the nagging will stop :-)

# fileformat

the new fileformat fixes a number of issues we had with the existing one.
things that are better:
- cool filename extension '.dek'
- consistent archival options for all platforms (ZIP!)
- proper detection of the version string for all libraries (even if the
library has a weird name like "a-v12"
- support for double-precision externals (once Pd supports that!)
- extensible

# Pd-integration
the updated "deken-plugin" has a number of nifty features, you don't
want to miss:
- support for the new fileformat
- support for the old (legacy) fileformat
- (optionally) uninstall libraries before re-installing them
- (optionally) show a README that is included in the package on
successful installation
- set installation path (suggesting Pd's default search paths, and
offering to create those that are missing)
- (optionally) hides the search-results for incompatible platforms
- (optionally) overrides the "compatible" Pd-architecture
- nice preferences
- bugfixes
- much more

# Developer tools
if you are a developer of libraries, we have also updated our 'deken'
cmdline tool.
things you always wanted to have and which are now free:
- support for the new fileformat (default)
- support for the old (legacy) fileformat
- better detection of binary architectures
- better detection of included sources
- (experimental) support for double-precision externals
- pre-compiled & self-contained Windows binaries
- bugfixes
- much more

if you want to know more, see
- http://puredata.info/downloads/deken/releases/0.3.0/
- https://lists.puredata.info/pipermail/pd-dev/2018-02/021513.html
- https://github.com/pure-data/deken/issues/161

i have submitted also submitted a Pull-Request to include the new
deken-plugin into Pd proper:
- https://github.com/pure-data/pure-data/pull/320

and another Pull-Request for Pd that is required to make the
double-precision detection work:
- https://github.com/pure-data/pure-data/pull/300

happy patching.

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