Fantastic news ! I really hope the PR will be merged into the master branch.
That shift-insert an object is amazing too, please make it happen ! I can
hear the live-programming people cheering already :)


Le mer. 6 juin 2018 à 15:43, IOhannes m zmoelnig <> a écrit :

> just a minor announcement.
> recently there was some momentum on github about streamlining the
> patching process when it comes to connecting many objects, or objects
> with many iolets.
> it all started a while ago (at least for me) with my "doublechord"
> plugin (available via deken), which allows you to extend additional
> connections between an object with many outlets and an object with many
> inlets that are already connected, without having to fidget with so many
> iolets.
> indendently, manav rathi submitted a PR to allow connecting of two
> selected objects with a keystroke.
> after that people joined in and started to suggest all kind of
> improvements, as seen in purr-data or max/msp.
> si i backported some of the connection tricks from Max and Purr-Data,
> and it all ended in a PR [374].
> new connection features:
> - select any two objects, and press <Ctrl>+<k> (or <Cmd>+<k> if you
> insist), to connect them (trivially, so just the first iolet)
> - to connect a (signal) outlet to multiple arbitrary inlets, you can now
> press <Shift> while hovering the yet-unconnected cord over an inlet
> - to add more connections between two already connected object, select
> the connection and pressl <Ctrl>+<d> to extend the connections to the
> right ("duplicate")
> - to fully connect two objects, *select* both objects before connecting
> them.
> - to connect multiple objects to a single inlet, select all the source
> objects (but not the sink object) before connecting them.
>   - (the other way round works as well, but will give you fan-outs!!!)
> - to connect multiple objects to a multi-inlet object, select all the
> source objects *and* the sink object before connecting the leftmost
> source to the leftmost inlet.
> - to connect a multi-outlet object to multiple objects, select all the
> source object *and* all the sink objects before connecting the leftmost
> outlet to the leftmost sink.
> i think that's about it.
> thanks to Jonathan, Dan, Alex & Esteban for the inspirational ideas.
> some of thew new features make it incredibly easy to create fan-outs.
> urgh!!!
> so this is another opportunity to announce my "triggerize-plugin" which
> will turn all your buggy fan-outs into nicely triggered connections (and
> much more). grab it from deken.
> of course this is just a pull request, so we depend on miller to merge
> it into the "master" branch ;-)
> gfmasdr
> IOhannes
> [374]
> [triggerize]
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