an early summer update...


based on the feedback we got for the "intelligent patching" features
introduced with Pd-0.49, i've create a new pull-request [575], that
might make patching even easier.

the most important part is probably, that the intelligent
multi-connections we have learned to love in no time, will now only
happen if you press the <Shift>-key while doing the connection.
this basically means, that you can now connect a single object with
another single object, even if they happen to be in a selection group.

or put otherwise: hopefully this will prevent "intelligent patching"
from stepping on your toes.

there's also a few bugs fixed:
- no more crashes after triggerizing
- inserting an object into a "non-leftmost connection" (that is: a
connection that involves inlets or outlets that are not on the left-hand
side) now works (in the case of <Ctrl>-k) resp. puts the newly created
object in the right place (in the case of <Ctrl>-t, aka triggerize)

it also fixes a few oddities where "Duplicate" resp. "Saving
abstractions" would not play well with "Copy&Paste" (the "Duplicate"
resp "Save" actions used to overwrite the "Copy"-buffer; now you can
duplicate at will, and still recall your old "Copy"-buffer)

there's a few little cuties, like:
- pressing <ESC> to deselect everything
- pressing <TAB> to cycle the selection of a single object (or line)
- repeatedly pressing <Ctrl>-k to connect a single-outlet signal object
with a multi-inlet object, will now create a nice fan~out.

when inserting an object into a connection with <Ctrl>-T (triggerize),
the newly created object is now selected immediately, so you can
immediately start typing to replace the dummy object (or just press
<Esc> is you don't want to)

finally, you can now cycle outlets or inlets with the <Tab> *while
Cycling inlets is only active if you hover over an object to connect to
(if not, you cycle the outlets of the source).
Cycling inlets doesn't work on OSX.



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