I'm not 100% sure about the actual state of the Pd Sourceforge repo but I'd dare say that almost all active Pd development by the *community* (i.e. issues and pull requests) happens on GitHub. The GitHub repo started as a mirror of the Sourceforge repo, but practically it might have turned into the opposite :-)

Regarding externals, there's no canonical location. For example, the IEM externals are actually hosted on git.iem.at, but there's a GitHub mirror: https://github.com/iem-projects.

There's been the idea for a central place for Pd externals (https://github.com/pd-externals/) but it didn't really take off (only 9 sub repos).

IIRC, IOhannes also put all externals from Pd extended on GitHub, but I forgot the name and can't find it... (@IOhannes where is it again?)

BTW, I had a look at the activity on the Pd Sourceforge repo and at least two people still seem to use it for their externals...


On 07.02.2020 09:40, Peter P. wrote:
Hi list,

I am wondering if Pd and externals development happens via subversion or
git? The page https://github.com/pure-data/pure-data says it is a
"tracking puredata SourceForge git repository ". So am I correct to
assume that development happens via git on sourceforge servers?


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