Hi Jakob

I'm not IOhannes, but I'll answer anyway.

On Mon, 2020-05-18 at 22:22 +0200, Jakob Laue wrote:
>  But when I add a "-lib mrpeach" in the
> command line preferences, I always get "mrpeach: can't load library" 

Yes, because the mrpeach library doesn't contain a binary named
mrpeach. In case of mrpeach, it is sufficient to just add the path.
Preferably, you add the path with [declare -path mrpeach] in your
patch, rather than in the Pd configuration. This makes your patch more

> on startup. But I can still create objects from it. I mean, I can use
> the objects, but I don't get an overall init-message on startup,
> which makes me think that someting is not set correctly.

You don't see a message, because no external is loaded at start up
(only the path is added). This is unlike the zexy library, which comes
with a zexy binary and which prints something to the console when
loaded. However, from what I understand, if a specific external prints
a message at load time is purely optional. So that is not necessarily
an indicator.

>  Also, pd seems not to be able to find the help files for mrpeach-
> objects. Right-clicking [midifile] and selecting "help" gives "sorry,
> couldn't find help patch for "midifile-help.pd"" in the console.
> Do you have an idea what I could try to do? 

I get the same, and I don't yet understand why it doesn't show,
although a midifile-help.pd file is there.


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