Hi Antoine,

On 17/1/21 6:30 pm, Antoine Rousseau wrote:
Moreover, I downloaded https://droidparty.net/patches/droidparty-demos.zip to my device, but couldn't extract it to my newly created /PdDroidPart directory.

So I checked the zip file on my linux desktop, and I saw the archive consists of a "../droidparty-demos/" directory; I believe that starting with "../" is problematic.

Then I used my desktop to finally extract the zip, I placed the content to the /PdDroidParty directory on my device, but PdDroidParty couldn't find the patches ("PdDroidParty compatiblble patches found" is empty). "adb logcat" shows:
(...) PatchSelector: search path:/storage/emulated/0/PdDroidParty
(...) PdDroidParty: PatchSelector.initPd: []

I also tried to create a "/sdcard/PdDroidParty" directory and copied the "drum-machine" directory to there, but it couldn't be found either.

Le dim. 17 janv. 2021 à 10:11, Antoine Rousseau <anto...@metalu.net <mailto:anto...@metalu.net>> a écrit :

    Nice, congrats Chris!
    Shouldn't the app come with a couple of patches, though? So the user
    can try something as soon as he installed the app?

Thanks for reporting these. I have filed issues and will follow up off-list.




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