Ah, yes. Using Windows VST plugins on a Raspberry Pi is certainly a fun idea :-)

Actually, [vstplugin~] has a built-in plugin bridge and winelib is also available for ARM, so you would not even need a third-party plugin wrapper.

The first step, however, is to add Linux ARM support to [vstplugin~]. This should be rather trivial, given that Apple M1 is already supported. Please open a feature request on GitLab!


On 20.09.2022 15:02, oliver wrote:
Christof Ressi wrote:
Hi Oli,

there is no Linux ARM support for [vstplugin~] (yet). Do you actually have any VST plugins that are compiled for this platform?

Actually no, i thought i'd like to try [vstplugin~] first, and see how far i will get ;-)

there is an article about using vsts on a PI


so i figured there must be some possibility to do so

will do some more research

anyway, thanks for your quick reply !



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