On Sat, 2023-03-04 at 23:17 +0100, Roman Haefeli wrote:
> Sometimes when I load certain patches containing data structures, all
> data structures in all patches of an instance of Pd are redrawn.

As a follow-up on the matter, I identified to conditions that trigger a

  * Loading a patch where some scalar objects like [draw{symbol,number,text}]
    or [{draw,filled}{curve,polygon}] are created before the [struct] oject
    of the template

  * Loading a patch where the [struct] uses a template name containing $0
    like $0.fruit (!).

$0 seems to be treated specially, since using $1, $2, etc. is not
affected. Also, it doesn't help to put [struct $1 float x] into an
abstraction [mystruct $0.fruit]. 

Interestingly, if I load the patch without the [struct] object first,
and then create [sruct $0.fruit float x] manually, it doesn't trigger
the redraw. I'll try if I can work-around unwanted (and probably
unnecessary) redraws by dynamically creating [struct] objects instead
of loading them with the patch (as I cannot abstain from using $0).

Anyway, I hoped I could to get some insight in the matter first, but I
am more and more getting a sense that this deserves to be reported as
an issue.


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