
This should be on pd-list not pd-ot - Pd usage is off-topic on this pd-offtopic list ;) - but replying here too in case you're not on the other one (with pd-list as CC: and reply-to:).

Also see this possibly-related thread, which I haven't checked in detail, so my reply below may be misinformation:

On 16/07/10 11:15, Edgar Berdahl wrote:
Furthermore, I can start up a jack audio server as long as I disable the
audio inputs using -P
# /usr/bin/jackd -d alsa -d hw:0 -r 44100 -P -p 64

Does "mplayer -ao jack" work?

However, for the life of me I cannot seem to get Pd to produce sound
output. For instance, if I try to start Pd using jack
# pd -jack -noadc test.pd &
it resets the number of channels to zero, and the CPU usage according to
top skyrockets to about 95%. To try to start audio, I have to choose
Media|jack, manually put a check in the box "output device 1", and set
the channels to 2. Then Pd starts to report, "audio I/O stuck... closing

Specifying the number of channels is necessary with -jack with some (buggy) Pd versions. I use "pd -jack -channels 2", you don't need "-noadc" because you might want to connect some other jack app (eg mplayer) to Pd.

See if "pd -jack -channels 2" with [adc~]==[dac~] in a patch passes through "mplayer -ao jack" without any problems, is what I would try.

It doesn't matter whether I am using "omap3beagle (hardware)" or
"omap3beagle (plug-in)".

I have to use "plug-in" for my USB soundcard in 24bit mode, as Pd doesn't seem to support that sample format natively.

Does anyone have any other ideas for ways in which I might be able to
get Pd to produce sound out like mplayer does? I have tried all the
startup switch combos that immediately came to mind. Could there be some
inherent reason why Pd will not work if zero audio input channels are

If Pd is pegging the CPU, maybe something is wrong. Does the beagleboard have a floating point unit (FPU)? If not, it would definitely be better to try an integer-dsp version of Pd (such as pda/pd-anywhere/pd-mobile/whatever it's called these days).

Good luck,


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