A new book by Bryan Chung on programming in Pure Data has recently
come out. It focuses on GEM, which is a nice change from the usual
focus on audio.


Preparing interactive displays, creating computer games, and
conducting audio-visual performance are now achievable without typing
lines of code. With Pure Data, a graphical programming environment,
creating interactive multimedia applications is just visually
connecting graphical icons together. It is straightforward, intuitive,
and effective.

"Multimedia Programming with Pure Data" will show you how to create
interactive multimedia applications. You will learn how to author
various digital media, such as images, animations, audio, and videos
together to form a coherent title. From simple to sophisticated
interaction techniques, you will learn to apply these techniques in
your practical multimedia projects.

You start from making 2D and 3D computer graphics and proceed to
animation, multimedia presentation, interface design, and more
sophisticated computer vision applications with interactivity. With
Pure Data and GEM, you will learn to produce animations with 2D
digital imagery, 3D modelling, and particle systems. You can also
design graphical interfaces, and use live video for motion tracking
applications. Furthermore, you will learn Audio signal processing,
which forms the key aspect to multimedia content creation. Last but
not least, Network programming using Pure Data extension libraries
explores applications to other portable devices.

*note: I was one of the reviewers



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