A representative of Packt Publishing recently put out a call to
developers of open source software packages that are covered in their
books to get in contact regarding royalties. They claim that they give
money to the authors _and_ the project that the book is based upon.
Text below:

"I'm sorry that we haven't yet been able to make this clear. I will
have this looked in to and revised for clarity.
But, to confirm, authors receive royalties on sales of their books but
we also give a royalty, where the book is based on an Open Source
software or system, to the Project.
I'm not at liberty to disclose the names of projects that have
received this royalty, only that cumulatively we have given out a
large sum of money to them.
Please also treat this as a call out to any Open Source project that
we have published on to get in touch with me should they not be
receiving their royalties, we can only send them to you if we have
your details :) "

Full thread here:
https://plus.google.com/113862800338869870683/posts/PDVcovR7Sir See
last comment from Jonathan Titmus


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