Dear Peering DB Community,

Apologies for multiple posts.
I wanted to keep the reach of this e-mail rather wide within the Peering DB

Recently, PeeringDB Product Committee had a discussion about data ownership
as we see more issues come to our plate relating to who owns the data when
more than one party is involved (as in netix, ixfac, netfac etc objects).

Recognising that this issue requires wider feedback, Product Committee
decided that a PeeringDB Task Force should be established to work on a
Peering DB Policy proposal about data ownership.

Hence I am reaching out to you.

Please let me know if you would like to take part in this Task Force, by
sending a mail to me until 20 September 2019. After that we will start the
discussions and the work.

We expect the Task Force to exist roughly about 6 months following its
inception and so the time commitment is of temporary nature. There will be
a mailing list to follow and provide feedback. Task Force can also plan to
have online meetings to focus on discussions and to facilitate its work.

I hope to hear from you soon.

Kind regards
Filiz Yilmaz
Product Manager
Pdb-announce mailing list

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