On Tue, 12 Apr 2022, LM wrote:

> On Mon, Apr 11, 2022 at 6:09 PM Richard Narron <rich...@aaazen.com> wrote:
>       The PDCurses 3.9 package on SLackBuilds.org now creates a pkg-config 
> file
>       for use in building the Hessling editor 3.3RC8.
> Nice addition.
>       Ideally this file would be named the same as the library:
>       /usr/lib64/pkgconfig/LibXCurses.pc
>       And also it would have Libs: for dynamic loading and and Libs.private:
>       for static loading.
>       Libs: -lXCurses
>       Libs.private: -l:libXCurses.a  -lXaw -lXmu -lXt -lX11 -lXpm -lSM -lICE
>       -lXext
>       More information on creating these files is here:
>       https://www.freedesktop.org/wiki/Software/pkg-config/
> I use pkgconf ( https://github.com/pkgconf/pkgconf ) with almost all of my 
> builds and I have scripts similar to
> Slackbuilds (for a variety of operating systems) that generate a .pc file as 
> well.
> Here's part of a script for MinGW on Windows:
> #!/bin/bash
> ...
> cat > pdcurses.pc << EOF
> prefix=/opt
> exec_prefix=\${prefix}
> libdir=\${exec_prefix}/lib
> includedir=\${prefix}/include
> Name: pdcurses
> Description: Public Domain Curses screen library
> Version: 3.4
> Requires:
> Requires.private:
> Libs: -L\${libdir}  -lpdcurses
> Libs.private:
> Cflags: -I\${includedir}
> EOF 
> It gets tricky tracking the different dependent libraries on different 
> operating systems.  None of the X libraries
> are typically used on Windows (unless you're developing for a target like 
> Cygwin).
> I investigated naming the pc file something generic like curses.pc so I could 
> switch out curses libraries and use
> either pdcurses or ncurses as desired.  Didn't work out that well so I just 
> use pdcurses.pc.

I discovered that the pkg-config program looks at a global variable,
PKG_CONFIG_PATH, that is searched before the usual spot,

This allowed me to move the code to generate the libpdconfig-x11.pc file
from the PDCurses package build to the THE (The Hessling Editor)
package build.

Rather than make a hereis file, a template pc file is included
with the THE.SlackBuild script called libpdcurses-x11.pc:

Name: PDCurses
Description: PDCurses ${version} X11 library
Version: ${version}
URL: https://pdcurses.org
Libs: -lXCurses
Libs.private:  -l:libXCurses.a  -lXaw -lXmu -lXt -lX11 -lXpm -lSM -lICE
Cflags:  -DXCURSES -I${includedir} -I/usr/include/X11

The THE.SlackBuild bash script uses sed to substitue the XLIBDIR and
XVERSION words before putting the completed template pc file in a newly
created pkgconfig/ directory:


  # for XCurses, create pdcurses-x11.pc pkg-config
  XVERSION=$(xcurses-config --version)
  mkdir -p        pkgconfig
  sed -e "s/XLIBDIR/${XLIBDIR}/" \
      -e "s/XVERSION/${XVERSION}/" \
      <                $CWD/libpdcurses-x11.pc \
      >           pkgconfig/libpdcurses-x11.pc

  PKG_CONFIG_PATH=pkgconfig   \
  ../configure \
    --with-curses=pdcurses-x11 \

  make the-x11

So the completed pkgconfig/libpdcurses-x11.pc file looks like this:

Name: PDCurses
Description: PDCurses ${version} X11 library
Version: ${version}
URL: https://pdcurses.org
Libs: -lXCurses
Libs.private:  -l:libXCurses.a  -lXaw -lXmu -lXt -lX11 -lXpm -lSM -lICE
Cflags:  -DXCURSES -I${includedir} -I/usr/include/X11

I tested this THE bash build script and it worked fine using both PDCurses
3.9 and 3.8.

Richard Narron

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