Dear Sir,

I'm using Apache PDFBox0.7.3 library in order to fill out text-fields of a
PDF form .
Some of the filled values are in Arabic, so the problem that when i open the
PDF form after filling by Adobe Reader 9 or Adobe Acrobat 9 pro, i get
question marks (???) instead of the Arabic letters.

now i'll go into details.
1- I created the PDF form using Adobe LifeCycle Designer.
2- The problem only appears with Arabic letters (no problem with English
3- the font which is used for the fields is Arial so i tried to embed both
Arial and Arial Blod as:

    PDDocument doc = PDDocument.load(formPath);
    PDTrueTypeFont.loadTTF( doc,new File(path_of_the_ttf_file) );
    PDDocumentCatalog docCatalog =  doc.getDocumentCatalog();
    PDAcroForm acroForm =  docCatalog.getAcroForm();
    ........... *Filling the fields with the values here ..........*
    acroForm.setXFA( null );;

    But this didn't work (i still get question marks for the Arabic

4- When i fill the text-fields of the PDF form manually (by Adobe Acrobat 9
pro) i get no problem.

5- i tried to edit the file "" as well, and
i copied the fonts to the path "Resources/ttf". but i still get question

i've working on this problem for more than 10 days, and i'm stucked now.
and you are my final salvation. PLEASE HELP ME IF YOU CAN.

Thanks for your concern

The Captin 121

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