Announcing the release of PDL-2.019 as the first
release marking the move of PDL development from
the increasingly erratic to github.

Thanks much to Ed J, Derek Lamb, Jerry Leibold,
and sisyphus for contributions to this release
and special thanks for Ed J who spearheaded the
move and has volunteered to support the github

Still to come: moves of web site and other PDL
modules to the a unified github for PDL devel.

Happy PDL-ing!
Chris and the PDL Development team.

v2.019 2018-05-05 16:42:44-04:00

General Notes:

 * This is version 2.019 of the Perl Data Language.

 * It is a the first official release of PDL initiating
   the development and release moving from sourceforge
   to github hosting.


 * cat returns a piddle of the highest input type, not
   the first.

 * The 'thresh' options in fitwarp2d has been removed.

 * rfits/wfits now do tilde filename expansion.

 * det in MatrixOps now uses the cached lu_decomp
   value correctly.

 * Multiple minor fixes, docs, cleanup, and changing
   things to point to github away from

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