
I have created some notebooks to demonstrate using the new libtensorflow
bindings <https://metacpan.org/pod/AI::TensorFlow::Libtensorflow>.

The notebooks use PDL to convert the PDL ndarrays into the TensorFlow
TFTensor data structure. This is meant to be a low-level binding for now
and as such these conversions are not built into the binding.  Higher
level bindings on top of this are planned which will help with making it
easier to create new custom models and running inference on models.

They are available as POD as linked from here 
but it is best to view them in their source format at

- Image classification demo 

- Gene expression prediction demo 

As described on the Quickstart page, the code dependencies to run these
notebooks are built as Docker images.

Best regards,
- Zakariyya Mughal

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