Hi all,

I've been wracking my brain all morning trying to figure this out, but how
could I convert a set of 3 1D piddles containing xyz data into a matrix for
plotting as an image using PDL::Graphics::Gnuplot? Say for example:

use PDL;
use PDL::Graphics::Gnuplot qw/image gplot/;

my $x = flat(xvals(10,10)); # This is basically how x-coordinates are
output from my machine.
my $y = flat(yvals(10,10)); # Same format as x-coordinates
my $z = sequence(100)*rand(1); # Some dummy data for this example.

my $image; # How do I map $x,$y,$z into this 10x10 $image piddle?

That's my basic problem. How do I map $x,$y,$z data into an $image matrix?

Thank you,
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