Bugs item #3294808, was opened at 2011-04-29 03:43
Message generated for change (Comment added) made by marshallch
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>Category: core
Group: None
Status: Open
Resolution: None
Priority: 5
Private: No
Submitted By: Derek Lamb (lambd)
Assigned to: Nobody/Anonymous (nobody)
Summary: sever on empty piddle causes segfault

Initial Comment:
On my Mac and also on a Linux system, with the current git (2.4.9_001), calling 
sever  on an empty piddle results in a segfault:

pdl> $img = zeroes(100,100)                                                     
pdl> $coords = which($img!=0)                                                   
pdl> $vals = $img->indexND($coords)->sever;                                     
Segmentation fault

I do not get the error when running PDL 2.4.7 or 2.4.8 (in those cases the null 
piddle is returned).  I also do not get a segfault when I do not include the 
sever().  Without the sever, $img->indexND($coords) is PDL->null (when doing 
pdl>?vars).  But for reasons I don't understand, I don't get the segfault if I 
try to trip the error more directly:

pdl> $a = PDL->null
pdl> $b = $a->sever;
pdl> $c = PDL->null->sever


>Comment By: Chris Marshall (marshallch)
Date: 2011-04-29 10:34

I don't get the same problem on cygwin but that is not OS X
or a 64bit OS (you don't include the perldl -V or perl -V output
so I'm guessing here).

I can point out that the problem is for Empty piddles and
not Null piddles.  Those were added/fixed for more edge
cases with the recent fixes to the PDL constructor.  It is possible
that this is a symptom of the same problem relating to the
other OS X segfaults being reported.  What do you get when
you look at the core with gdb?


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