Hey porters -

I've written some code (in a library that I intend to release this
summer) that makes extensive use of the PMCode key, which I discovered
when I looked up the code for fibonacci. Of course, PMCode is not even
mentioned as undocumented in the PDL::PP documentation. I'd like to
change that by adding an item to the list in the first appendix that
reads like this:

=item PMCode

Used to create genuine Perl code to interface to your function and
hide direct access to your PP function. PP's normal behavior defines
an XS function that Perl binds your PP functionality, bypassing a Perl
wrapper completely. A lot of work goes into making these XS functions
flexible, but if you need to do something that PP cannot handle, the
PMCode key lets you define your own snippet of Perl code. In the
PMCode section, you should define a Perl sub with the name of your
function. You can access the actual PP function by calling its mangled
name: C<< PDL::_<funcname>_int >>. (Note: PDL::PP doesn't always
create low-level name mangled functions; it only does this for
functions that make use of the PMCode section.) For a simple example
of working code, see the definition of fibonacci in the .pd file for

I don't know about anybody else, but this feels a bit clunky to me.
What do you think? Should I write more? Is anything misleading? Should
I provide an example directly in the docs?


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