Oh, a few more clarifications in light of PDL::Drawing::Prima...

On Thu, Dec 25, 2014 at 5:24 PM, kmx <k...@atlas.cz> wrote:

>  David,
> my example demonstrates not only a problem with metacpan:
> https://metacpan.org/release/Acme-KMX-Test
> but also with search.cpan.org
> http://search.cpan.org/dist/Acme-KMX-Test/
> Note for those who do not follow the whole discussion:
> On both sites there completely missing modules Acme::KMX::Pokus1 and 
> Acme::KMX::Pokus2
> that are generated from .pm.PL files

This is correct, but it's not clear why it failed for your modules and not
for mine. It may be possible to get the files properly rendered if they are
indicated specially in the meta files, or if they live in the lib/
directory, or some other magic. The magic is not clear at this point.

> So it is not enough to convince metacpan.org developers but also
> search.cpan.org developers + others that are about to come in the future
> with similar site.

I suspect that marking files in the meta files is the real magic, so
convincing future site developers to work with the meta spec is probably

> The conversion of *.<ext>.PL into *.<ext> is a feature of
> ExtUtils::MakeMaker (look for PL_FILES option) and IMO neither
> metacpan.org nor search.cpan.org never claimed to support this (so I
> would be careful to call it a metacpan bug).

They do not and will not. Documentation for my files is pulled DIRECTLY
from the .xx.PL files. It's identical to saying at your command prompt
"perldoc MyModule.pm.PL". They do not execute any code directly from the

> <snip>
I am not saying that it is not possible but I consider it too complicated
> and not applicable to *.pd files (so it will not help with PDL 2
> documentation). It will take months if not year(s) + it requires
> co-ordination with two other projects whereas using approach I am proposing
> we can have complete PDL documentation on metacpan.org and search.cpan.org
> tomorrow (and the decision depends just on us).

It is possible. It's not as difficult as you had guessed, but it is a huge
pain, and leads to rather confusing .pm.PL source files. Having done this
for bad.pd, I recommend *against* renaming .pd -> .pm.PL. I prefer your

> To sum up:
> There was a question whether using *.pm.PL or *.xs.PL or even *.pd.PL can
> fix documentation issue on metacpan and search.cpan.org.
> And the answer is: No.

The answer is certainly: Yes, but it's not worth the effort. Your solution
is easier. I say we use kmx's documentation generation hack, and document
it as the easiest way to get things to work for PDL developers using
ExtUtils::MakeMaker. I would also appreciate if a similar thing could be
written for Module::Build as I use that to distribute my modules, but I
don't think the lack of such a facility is a show stopper.

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