If you want to do the processing yourself try Agfa C41
kit. I like it a lot. One kit costs less than $10 and
has capacity for 8 rolls of 135mm/36.

--- Sid Barras <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi All:
> After further conversations with the "tech" people
> at the pro lab (the
> only one here in town), and because they can only do
> color chemistry
> enlargements, they are recommending I start using
> Kodak's 400cn film.
> They took me in the back and showed me some poster
> sized enlargements
> they are working on (from said 400cn, in 35mm
> format) and I must say,
> they really exceed my expectations. Grain, even at
> 30 x 40, is virtually
> non-existent
> I have absolutely no experience with this film,
> other than a couple of
> rolls I shot and was rather disappointed with. But,
> in all fairness,
> this was drug store processing.
> Since I have no immediate options for poster sized
> true black and white,
> I may have to go this route in the short term.
> Comments are welcome and
> appreciated.
> Regards,
> Sid B
> -
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