Far as PMA is concerned, you have to be a member of PMA to get an invite. Any 
literature handed out is oriented toward dealers and other folk in the biz.

I was threatening to drive down there until I was gently reminded that I couldn't get 
in the door.


At 8:49 AM -06002/12/01, Tiger Moses caused thus to appear:
>I have never been to a camera SHOW like PMA, just ones with dealer tables in
>a hotel ballroom.
>But I have been to computer shows like COMDEX, where people are announcing
>new products.
>Is it just Pentax, but with these new products, they don't have any
>literature to give to people?  There is no product 'slick' with the specs
>and such and little pictures, like a sample frame of film with the data
>imprinted on it?
>And maybe I accidently deleted message that had the info, but has a for sale
>to John Q Public date been set for people to buy MZ-S bodies?
Douglas Forrest Brewer
Ashwood Lake Photography
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