>> Mark Roberts wrote:
>> > 
>> > Now that I come to think about it, when I go out with just one camera body
>> > and one lens, the lens I take is almost *never* a zoom.
>> > 
>> > The most common combination for me is the MX and 43/1.9 Limited, but
>> > sometimes the lens is either a 50mm or 28mm.
>My most common walkaround combination is LX + 50/1.4 or ZX-5n + 50/1.7 but now 
>with the newly-acquired MX we shall see which of the above bodies it displaces. 
>In any case my walkaround lens is a 50. I find 28 too wide for general use and 
>100 too long, and I don't own any lenses between 28 and 100 except for the 50s.
>I prefer them over my former walkaround favourite (28-70/4) because of their 
>speed. And then, to a lesser extent, their smaller

Often, my "walkaround" kit is for travelling by motorcycle. In this case,
whatever lens I use with the MX needs to be small enough for me to use the
everready case on the camera/lens combination. This is the only time I ever
put the case on the camera; keeps it much safer in the tank bag on the bike!
Anyway, the 28, 43 and 50 are the only lenses I have that are small enough
to fit. I'm a wide angle enthusiast so even the 28 sometimes a bit "long"
for me.
I'm still looking for a really convenient way to carry the MX while running.

Mark Roberts
Photography and writing

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