Mike Johnston <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>I will concede that I've been outpointed in this debate by the estimable Mr
>Walkden, but as for the rest of you, only ONE person who has defended "the
>rules" has so far had the guts to step forward and actually NAME any of

I think a couple have mentioned the rule of thirds and the rule of the
golden mean. BTW: They're different ratios (1:1.618 vs. 1:1.667) and they
have a significantly different look to my eye. Interestingly, when I look
back on my own photos, I noticed certain patterns with which I seem to
gravitiate toward one or the other. I tend toward "golden section" with very
simple compositions (portraits, say) but use "rule of thirds" with more
complex scenes. I also seem to tend toward "golden section" when shooting
645. I'd guess this is due to the different height/width ratios of 35mm vs.
645. Fascinating stuff, and I'd never had noticed it if it weren't for this

>I think this discussion will have to end here unless someone finds
>enough spine to actually swallow hard and tell the rest of us WHICH rules he
>or she keeps in mind while photographing, and finds so all-fired helpful.
>C'mon, let's have the list. 

I've been looking at some web pages about composition and found it really
interesting reading. With alomst every "rule" that's new to me I think of
how it might be useful *and* I recall counter-examples - good photos which
break the rule. To me, this is the best thing about the so-called "rules":
They make me *think* about what I'm doing any why, whether I'm following
them or breaking them.

>You'll notice I didn't jump all over Tom when he
>suggested a few, so don't assume I'm lying in wait to pounce all over you.
>I'm genuinely curious which "guidelines" you use as "key thoughts" when you
>shoot. As Bob W. pointed out, I wrote an article about mine, so I'm off the
>hook. The rest of you are being chicken!

I'm going to start compiling a list.

#1 - "sit down and plan all my shots"
 - Dr E D F Williams


More rules to follow and to deliberately break:

Mark Roberts
Photography and writing

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