On Saturday, January 11, 2003, at 02:37  AM, Mike Johnston wrote:

Rats. It's 2:30 in the morning. I just got a new bookcase, wrestled it into
place, and have spent the last several hours loading photography books into
it. And--of course--they don't all fit. I was hoping I'd have space left



My theory is that books have constantly variable width until shelf space is allocated to them. At that point their width becomes fixed at "n x 1.3". I discovered this after spending a great deal of time designing and building some permanent bookcases in my study.

Subsequent investigation has shown that contemplation of additional shelving once again allows their width to vary up until the new shelving exists and is in place, at which point their width once again becomes fixed at "n x 1.3".

Now I just put them in piles and hope I'm not in the room if one of the piles shifts.

Dan Scott

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